Accomplishments 98/99 |
Accomplishments 97/98 |
Accomplishments 96/97 |
The University of Guyana Botany Club was founded in 1991 with the support of the Biology Department in the Faculty of Natural Science. Mr. John Caesar was appointed as the Coordinator of the club. Unfortunately it slumped into torpidity after the first two years of its existence. The club was founded with the following objectives:
a) to generate a desirable student interest in botany |
b) to expose members to the other facets of botany as a scientific discipline |
c) to offer career guidance in the field of botany |
d) to develop a campus orchid collection or orchard and |
e) to promote plant biology through field trips, seminars and other activities. |
The Botany Club was then revived in 1996 by Mr. John Caesar.
Accomplishments for 1997/98 for Academic Year
1. Cake sale during the 1st semester
2. First issue of Nature Zone published in November 1997.
3. The greenhouse was partially renovated by the members from the 14th February to the 7th March on Saturday's. The following were accomplished:
· The general cleanup of the greenhouse - removing unwanted materials, sweeping etc.
· The roof was partially fixed by nailing the galvanize and mend the existing holes
· The greenhouse was internally barricaded with mesh wire donated by Gafoors and Sons Ltd
3. Several plants were donated to the Botany Club by members plus a small nursery was started during the 6th week of the second semester. Some of the plants in the greenhouse were radishes, carrots, onions, beans, peas, pepper, pumpkin, carailla, cashew, avocado pear and periwinkle.
4. There was a tree naming exercise from the 17th to the 31st March, 1998. Each member present at the Botany Club meeting on the 17th was given two weeks to find the scientific name and any other interested fact about an assigned UG campus tree /plant. On the 31st, the Botany Club, took a tour of the campus trees and each member made a presentation on their tree /plant. Unfortunately, scientific names for all the trees were not found.
5. There was a trip to CEIBA sponsored by the Botany Club on the 4th April on which seventeen members participated. The first half of the trip was spent on observing the terrestrial flora and fauna. After lunch, there was a canoe ride along the creek where aquatic flora and fauna was seen.
6. An update from the tree naming exercise: Signs will be placed on the trees stating their scientific name and common name. The plates for which these are to be done has already been donated by Mr. Gopaul from the Herbarium.
Accomplishments for 1996/97 Academic year
1) Constitution was revised
2) A free trip to CEIBA for all members
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